What is Ramadan? Ramadan is the name of the one-month fasting period when Muslims fast for a period of almost 12 hours. They fast from dawn till sunset. It is a known fact that during the period of fasting, apart from eating and drinking Muslims are also forbidden from smoking and having sexual relations. Only the sick are excused from fasting during this month. Muslims are expected to avoid lying, breaking promise or cheating during the month of Ramadan. The primary purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to remind all Muslims of self-control and submitting to Allah, the holy one. Even young kids are taught to fast when they are young.
Islam (Allah) has commanded fasting for Muslims. According to Islam, fasting is abstaining from hunger and thirst, and the things that invalidate the fast, from dawn until sunset. Islam has also given guidance to the followers of the foundation and condition for the fast. In addition, if you study about religious fasting, it is intended to train the desire of doing certain things. If one is able to meet the requirements and fast rule correctly (do not do things that are not canceled and the matter is invited memakruhkan or sin), as this is the desired fast and thank God as the true fast fast and this is what real success during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Celebration for Hari Raya Puasa starts at least a month ahead, during the fasting period of Ramadan. Women start to sew beautiful curtains and buy new clothes for the family. Some families also do renovation for the house so that the house would look better when the guests visit it during the festival. After fulfilling their one-month of fasting, the Muslims would be joyful to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa. On the morning of the festival, the Muslims would wear their new clothes and go to the mosque to pray. They offer their thanks to God and after that they would ask for forgiveness from their elders. This is an important custom followed by the Muslims.
They feel that the young ones asking forgiveness from their elders is very essential. On the day, they also visit their relatives and friends to celebrate the happy occasion. If you visit Muslims' homes on Hari Raya Puasa you can expect to taste a wide variety of delicious spicy dishes. Some favorite dishes that can be found in Muslims homes on this special occasion are ketupat, lontong, nasi padang and beef rendang. The Muslims also have the habit of giving packets of money to kids when they go visiting. The packets are usually be in green color and children often look forward to getting these money tokens on Hari Raya Puasa. Overall, Hari Raya Puasa is a delightful festival for the Muslims. There are also various of biscuit will be served to the guest during Hari Raya.

As is the tradition here, every department will host a 'open house' during the month of Syawal. We held ours today! However, at the agency's level, the 'openhouse' for all staff & public has been scrapped off, due to 'langkah berjimat-cermat' so as to save our budget allocation for something else more important
Hari Raya Aidilfitri was an event better known as the festival celebrated by Muslims not only in Malaysia but all over the world. However, we will focus more on this celebration in Malaysia. In summary, this festival is celebrated after the month of Ramadan to mark the success of the Muslim fasting (holding desire) for a month. Let us examine more closely with the festival.
In Malaysia, Hari Raya Aidilfitri is celebrated with lively. Weeks before the festival transforms the atmosphere ahead of Eid preparations were being felt. The centers will provide shopping bargains and adorned with jewelry on a large scale. Raya songs will also be rotated on the radio and on television. The plans will show centers around Eid. Banks, schools and business premises will be closed for several days until a week after Eid
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